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Air Cooling Systems for Heat Exchangers and Dry Coolers

Benefits and features of our Air Cooling Systems for heat exchangers and dry coolers

High Efficiency

Maximum Airflow with Low Noise

UV and Corrosion Resistance

RPM Variability

ErP 2015 and 2020 Compliance

Multi-Wing’s custom fan solutions for heat exchangers and dry coolers achieve high efficiency through maximum airflow with low noise. They are customized according to specific application requirements to deliver outstanding performance, but also reduce power consumption and decrease noise.

Our axial fans are designed to withstand even under extreme climate conditions due to the protective coating of our fan blades. The correct choice of blade materials prevents corrosion and optimizes UV. All Multi-Wing axial fans are ErP 2015 and ErP 2020 efficiency compliant and best suited for V-shape, flatbed, or vertical heat exchangers.

Multi-Wing’s best Air Cooling Systems for V-shape, flatbed, and vertical heat exchangers

  • SmartPack Products
  • CustomFan Products

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